Friday, September 24, 2010

AFS exchange students FTW

"I'm a guy, and I wore a tight shirt. I said, I'm not gay, I'm European."
"I want to ride a sheep to school, and tie it up where other students lock their bikes."
-AFS student from New Zealand

"On Friday, I drank and went to the disco. On Saturday...... I drank and went to the disco."
-AFS student from Venezuela

" 'I bought beer for €6!!! Then I couldn't find a bottle opener, so I had to buy one.'
'How much was that?'
'.....€6' "
-AFS student from Tennessee.

"My class is calling me Michael Jackson!!!"
-AFS student from LA

"Only in Vienna could you ever find old ladies who dress better than we do."
-AFS student from Washington

Good times. I mean, I love my class, but only from AFS students could you ever have such great quotes as these. There are two teams: Team South America and Team English. Team English should be Team Denglish, because we'll say two words in Deutsch, forget the words we need, and say the rest of our sentence in English. Team South America is straight up Spanish, but a strange mixture of different slangs and Portuguese. Why the teams? Simply because there is a photo war.

Yes, a photo war. We are trying to rival the South Americans in the number of photos we can take. Right now, its about 200 to 15. Favoring the South Americans. We're now talking about just going up to billboards and posing like the H & M models. We made the rugby player from New Zealand do the most feminine pose we could find. If only you could have seen the looks he got. I laugh every time I see the billboard.

Anyway, school is great, except for Latin and Physics. A special thanks to Mr. Ruttenburg for teaching us so well that I'm actually learning math I saw in our book in Austria. I know more about vectors than I ever did in Ruttenburg's class, all from what is written on the board during class. Give him a round of applause- If that doesn't say how bad his teaching is I don't know what does. Latin is bad. They translate fables on the spot in fast German, and it doesn't translate literally. The German translation I write down doesn't end up making any sense whatsoever to me.

I went for a twenty km bike ride last Saturday. They don't use real bikes here, only cruisers with the back brake. I felt like I was riding a baby bike. I can drink here, but I've only gone once, and I had one drink. I'm going to play it safe, so it'll stay at one drink. Yes, there are cute guys here. Unfortunately, the cute ones dress well, so I can't tell if they're gay or if they're just dressing like Austrians.

It's my birthday on Wednesday!! Hopefully, I'll get some of that cool jewelry that I'm too cheap to buy myself.

I'll post again next Friday!


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