Sunday, August 29, 2010


Starting to freak out a little here.... I leave on Tuesday. Never to return to Bend again until next year. Do you have any ida how freaky that is?!?!

Imagine, a whole new country for a whole year!!!!

And I have three issues:
1) I still have to get my senior photos done.
2) I have to finish packing.
3) I can't find my wallet.

All of these three things need to happen by Tuesday afternoon. I'm kinda freaking out!! Oh well. To all of my friends- stay in touch and keep up with the blog. I'm hoping to update weekly with details about my trip. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Blog

Ok, I'm making a blog. No applause or thanks necessary.

No, seriously.

I'm making this blog to help all of you, here in the U.S., follow my everyday life in Austria. This is just a sample to see how this stupid thing works- I'm not technologically gifted, so hopefully I am successful in my first post.

Here is how I am feeling right now: Nervous, excited, and scared. The three always seem to go hand in hand.

Anyway, I'm nervous to travel on my own. I've never done it before. I'm always traveling with my family, never on my own. I'm also nervous to meet my host family. From my conversations with them, they are very put together, kind people, but I don't know what they think, or will think, of me. I am also quite nervous about doing my college applications from overseas- it could go well or be a total train wreck.

I'm excited to go to Austria. It is a very culturally rich place that I had hoped to travel to at some point. Who would have thought that I was going to live there for about ten months? Hopefully I gain valuable education on this trip, i.e. language, athletic, and music skills I did not have before. Not only that, but a deep cultural understanding.

I am scared of the idea of living essentially on my own for a year. Sure, I lived on a college campus for two weeks last summer, but that's nothing compared to a whole year. I don't know very much German, which will cause problems for me. And, finally, I don't want to have to go home for something lame like homesickness. To go all the way to Austria and come home after three months because I miss my family? It would be the biggest waste of money ever.

Anyway, that's a little bit of the many things floating around in my head right now. Hopefully you enjoy my little posts in the future- I know that all of you will miss my endless wit, sarcasm, and cynicism. Have a good day/evening/night- whenever you read this little post of mine.

Thanks for reading!